Welcome to Perry County, Indiana 4-H Blog!

This blog is set up to keep everyone up to date on the happenings of Perry County, Indiana 4-H. If you want to keep up to date, you can follow us by email or become a follower through the Google Follower link.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

4-H fair orientation to start earlier

Fair volunteers, Jr. Leaders to enter building at 2:30 p.m.

Fair superintendents, 4-H Club Volunteers and Jr. Leaders who plan on helping with fair project check in need to take note that this year they need to arrive on the fairgrounds no later than 2:30 p.m.

A fair orientation will start at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, July 10. They will then be allowed to check in their non community judged projects after the meeting.

At 3:00 p.m. superintendents and judge assistants will join all the community judges for a judging orientation. Renate will also take this opportunity to officially introduce the judges to their helpers and judges will review rules.

Non community judging will start Monday, July 11 at 10:00 a.m. SHARP! All judges are asked to arrive at 10:00 a.m. for a judge’s orientation (change from past years.)

4-H Council as well as Renate are hopeful this will be a positive change, allowing a formal time for judges to review judging policies and project rules.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Community Service Opportunity

Blazing Saddles 4-H Club will have a St. Jude horse ride to benefit the children with cancer who attend the St. Jude's Childrens' Hospital in Memphis Tennessee. This year all our donations are going directly to the Zach Taylor family from Perry County. Zach and his parents will be spending a few weeks at St. Jude's  after our ride.  Our ride will be Sunday, April 17 and our club will be taking donations up to that date. If anyone wants to contribute please contact the Blazing Saddles 4-H Club St. Jude coordinator, Debbie Miller or call the Extension office at 547-7084.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

4-H Lending Library

The 4-H Council has purchased additional resources to help you with your 4-H project. These are available on a loan basis. It is requested that only one book/manual be checked out at a time and that it is returned within 2 weeks. A card will need to be filled out so we know who has the book/manual. These are not like the manuals that are already provided; these are new resources.
The Lending Library includes:
  • Cross stich and needle point patterns
  • 4-H Guidelines to Raising Chickens
  • 4-H Guidelines to Digital Photography
  • 4-H Guidelines to Dog Training and Tricks
  • Official Guide to Raising Better Rabbits & Davies
  • Standard of Perfection Standard Bred Rabbits & Cavies
  • Rabbit Resource Handbook
This is just the beginning! We plan on adding more.

Thank you to the 4-H Council and Steve Steen for their donations!

Contact the Extension office to borrow these materials.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Calling all Fair goers!

The support provided by sponsors of the 4-H Fair ensures the continued success and economic benefits seen throughout the local community.  This support helps to preserve the positive image that 4-H has on the community and instills a sense of hometown cooperation and teamwork that can turn visitors and tourists into next-door-neighbors. 

Do you know of an individual, civic group, business (yes even a 4-H Club!) who would like to support the 4-H Fair?

If so, please contact the Extension office.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Helping you know what your projects need

Have you seen the project helps posted on our website? We have some helpful resources.

Some projects require record sheets or exhibit cards. Check out the Handbook to find out which ones require this. Just download the 2011 Perry County 4-H Handbook and go to the project you are completing. Find out if there is a required record sheet or exhibit card.

Also, does your project require you to bring three completed activities out of your 4-H project manual? You can use the handbook again, look up your project and it will also have these requirements listed under it. If it does not list that project manual activities are required, there is no manual.

For required record sheets or exhibit cards, go to our 4-H page, scroll down to 4-H fair, and click on the Project Helps headline. Go to that page for information and resources on different projects.

Let's get going on completing those 4-H projects! I can't wait to see what everyone does this year!

Learn how to Teach Science – Science is Fun!!

Dear 4-H Families, consider this opportunity! Let me know if you go.

What: One day experience of hands-on, natural resource activities that can be used to teach younger 4-H members about science through 4-H natural resource programs.
When & Where:
 Program 10am – 3pm, Sign in at 9:30 - 10 am
April 9, 2011 - Southern Indiana PAC, Dubois, IN (SIPAC). Registration deadline:  April 1, 2011.
April 16, 2011 – Southwest PAC, Vincennes, IN (SWPAC). Registration deadline:  April 8, 2011.

Why:  To increase 4-H member interest, understanding and involvement in science and natural resource education. Also, 4-H high school members can get ideas for the mentoring exhibit option in the natural resource projects. Mentoring may help improve 4-H member chances of getting a Resume Scholarship.
 Who:  One adult and 2-5 middle or high school aged youth

Note: A minimum of 15 youth are required to hold the event

For more information: Natalie Carroll, ncarroll@purdue.edu, 765.494.8433
Registration Form
(E-mail this information to Natalie Carroll, ncarroll@purdue.edu,
or complete the following form and mail to the address below)

SIPAC registration deadline:  April 1, 2011(event April 9)
SWPAC registration deadline:  April 8, 2011 (event April 16)

Adult team leader, name:


Youth team members (up to 5/adult):

*Verification of receipt of registration and map will be sent electronically to the e-mail address above. If no e-mail, please provide a phone number for us to call.

Please bring a signed photo release (enclosed) for each participant if you are willing to let us use your picture in video/photographs of the event for promotional, news, research and/or educational purposes.

Mailing address: Department of Youth Development and Agricultural Education,
       Agricultural Administration Building, Room 214, 615 W. State Street, West  
Lafayette, IN  47907-2053


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hello 4-H Families! There is so much going on. Here are a few things:

Share the Fun
Have you signed up for Share the Fun yet? Here is the information on it. Preregistration is required for Share the Fun by 4:00 p.m. April 13. See this form for the registration form. And here are the guidelines for Share the Fun.

4-H Camp
4-H Camp will be Monday, June 13 through Wednesday June 15, 2011 at the Santa Claus Campground. We are planning to camp with Daviess, Dubois and Spencer Counties again, just like in the past. By the way, the camp is offered to those in grades 3-6. NEW THIS YEAR...7th and 8th graders can also attend! They will pay the same fee as other campers, but they will get to assist the Counselors and Camp Directors. This provides them leadership opportunities!!!!  Here is the registration form.

As always, contact our office with any questions. Enjoy your day!


Welcome to the Perry County, Indiana 4-H blog. This format will allow updates and will archive the updates so families can later access the information easily.

If you are new to following a blog, don't worry. You don't have to worry about missing an update. You can sign up for email updates! See the gadget to the left? It says, "Receive emails when this blog has new posts." Enter your email address and push submit. Each time this blog is updated you will receive notification in your email box! How simple is that! If you want you can also follow us with Google Connect. That is listed below.

Meanwhile, with fair close (it's in July and that is not too far off!) there is so much to do and communicate! So this blog should help with that. Yes, we know that the 4-H fair is not the ONLY thing we do in 4-H, but it is the highlight of the year and the BEST time to show off how hard our 4-H members work! I am hopeful this blog is helpful. Feel free to email me with questions at any time. My email is rjobst@purdue.edu. You'll also notice to the right it has my contact information along with information about our office. Feel free to contact me at any time!
