Dear 4-H Families, consider this opportunity! Let me know if you go.
What: One day experience of hands-on, natural resource activities that can be used to teach younger 4-H members about science through 4-H natural resource programs.
When & Where:
Program 10am – 3pm, Sign in at 9:30 - 10 am
April 9, 2011 - Southern Indiana PAC, Dubois, IN (SIPAC). Registration deadline: April 1, 2011.
April 16, 2011 – Southwest PAC, Vincennes, IN (SWPAC). Registration deadline: April 8, 2011.
Why: To increase 4-H member interest, understanding and involvement in science and natural resource education. Also, 4-H high school members can get ideas for the mentoring exhibit option in the natural resource projects. Mentoring may help improve 4-H member chances of getting a Resume Scholarship.
Who: One adult and 2-5 middle or high school aged youth
Note: A minimum of 15 youth are required to hold the event
Registration Form
or complete the following form and mail to the address below)
SIPAC registration deadline: April 1, 2011(event April 9)
SWPAC registration deadline: April 8, 2011 (event April 16)
Adult team leader, name:
Youth team members (up to 5/adult):
*Verification of receipt of registration and map will be sent electronically to the e-mail address above. If no e-mail, please provide a phone number for us to call.
Please bring a signed photo release (enclosed) for each participant if you are willing to let us use your picture in video/photographs of the event for promotional, news, research and/or educational purposes.
Mailing address: Department of Youth Development and Agricultural Education,
Agricultural Administration Building, Room 214, 615 W. State Street, West
Lafayette, IN 47907-2053