Welcome to Perry County, Indiana 4-H Blog!

This blog is set up to keep everyone up to date on the happenings of Perry County, Indiana 4-H. If you want to keep up to date, you can follow us by email or become a follower through the Google Follower link.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Welcome to the Perry County, Indiana 4-H blog. This format will allow updates and will archive the updates so families can later access the information easily.

If you are new to following a blog, don't worry. You don't have to worry about missing an update. You can sign up for email updates! See the gadget to the left? It says, "Receive emails when this blog has new posts." Enter your email address and push submit. Each time this blog is updated you will receive notification in your email box! How simple is that! If you want you can also follow us with Google Connect. That is listed below.

Meanwhile, with fair close (it's in July and that is not too far off!) there is so much to do and communicate! So this blog should help with that. Yes, we know that the 4-H fair is not the ONLY thing we do in 4-H, but it is the highlight of the year and the BEST time to show off how hard our 4-H members work! I am hopeful this blog is helpful. Feel free to email me with questions at any time. My email is rjobst@purdue.edu. You'll also notice to the right it has my contact information along with information about our office. Feel free to contact me at any time!
