Signing up for the 4-H group is simple. All you have to do is register. It's quick, and there's no cost to participate!
HOW TO JOIN: 1) Go to and click on PALA Challenge 2) Fill out the registration form. 3) When you arrive at your personal dashboard page, click on the groups tab and join the 4-H group. Your Group ID Number: 96548 Your Group Name: National 4-H Program 4) After registering, start logging your activities. As you log activities you'll be able to track your progress toward winning a President's Challenge Award or Medal.
This goes hand in hand with our Perry County Health 4 Ever Challenge! Has your club taken part in challenge? Here’s a challenge ….. each person in attendance at each meeting walks a minimum of ½ mile to a mile. These minutes can go towards the President’s Challenge! For more information on Perry County’s Health 4 Ever Challenge, talk to your club leader or Renate.
Physical activity is important! Take it from me (Renate)! What a difference an active lifestyle has made in my life. I feel better after I exercise, even if it’s a short walk. I eat less, feel great and I’ve lost weight! Let’s stay fit, stay active and keep focused on our fourth “H”!