Welcome to Perry County, Indiana 4-H Blog!

This blog is set up to keep everyone up to date on the happenings of Perry County, Indiana 4-H. If you want to keep up to date, you can follow us by email or become a follower through the Google Follower link.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fairs Around the State

Are you excited about fair season? Why not travel around to other counties and check out their fairs?

In 2009, one of our 4-H members got the idea for the Perry County 4-H Sports project by seeing it as an exhibit opportunity at another county fair. And guess what? The project was added to the county only projects! You can also see many neat ideas of how other members exhibit projects and prepare them, not to mention every fair is a little different! Experience all 4-H has to offer...including in other counties!

You can see a schedule of every fair in the state by going to our Perry County 4-H website. Scroll down to Indiana State Fair and County Fairs Around the State. There is a PDF file with all the dates.

Are you excited about fair season yet? I know I am!