The 4-H Council has purchased additional resources to help you with your 4-H project. These are available on a loan basis. It is requested that only one book/manual be checked out at a time and that it is returned within 2 weeks. A card will need to be filled out so we know who has the book/manual. These are not like the manuals that are already provided; these are new resources.
The Lending Library includes:
- Cross stich and needle point patterns
- 4-H Guidelines to Raising Chickens
- 4-H Guidelines to Digital Photography
- 4-H Guidelines to Dog Training and Tricks
- Official Guide to Raising Better Rabbits & Cavies
- Standard of Perfection Standard Bred Rabbits & Cavies
- Rabbit Resource Handbook
This is just the beginning! We plan on adding more.
Thank you to the 4-H Council and Steve Steen for their donations!
Contact the Perry County Extension office to borrow these materials.
812-547-7084 or