The latest fair schedule has been added to the 4-H Fair website!
Also, if you are on FaceBook, be sure to join the Perry County 4-H Facebook page as well as the 4-H Fair Facebook page! Be sure to share this with your friends!
Also, click on this page to find additional resources to help you get ready for the 4-H Fair! It's the 4-H Projects Help Page! New are two helps for poultry: Poultry Showmanship Help and a link to purchase a poultry showmanship guide. Poultry showmanship is new this year so we are hoping many will enter this exciting new project at the fair.
Forward this blog to your friends so they can stay up to date on all the happenings of Perry County 4-H! Remember, you can sign up for blog updates via email! See the link to the left.