Welcome to Perry County, Indiana 4-H Blog!

This blog is set up to keep everyone up to date on the happenings of Perry County, Indiana 4-H. If you want to keep up to date, you can follow us by email or become a follower through the Google Follower link.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Quick note for Jr. Leaders

Tonight’s 4-H Jr. Leader meeting begins at 6:00 p.m., the approximate time a winter storm might be moving in. The meeting is still on but I would advise the following:

If the roads are already slick and hazardous do not risk your life by coming to the meeting. Or if you fear the roads will become slick, again…don’t risk your life.

If it is safe to come to the meeting, I just wanted to let you know we will keep an eye on the roads. If they look to be slick members can leave early. Parents, PLEASE BE PREPARED TO PICK YOUR CHILDREN EARLY. For Jr. Leaders who drive themselves, they must advise their parents BEFORE you leave the meeting if we dismiss early. This is just so parents will know how soon to expect you home.

Since we do not know exactly what will happen weather-wise tonight, I just want everyone to be safe. While the meeting is scheduled to end at 8:00 p.m., we might have to end early so families can return home before the roads get hazardous. PLEASE BE PREPARED.

Feel free to call the restaurant and ask for me (with the 4-H group) if you have any questions. I do have a cell but sometimes I don’t have a signal in Fiesta Grande.