Welcome to Perry County, Indiana 4-H Blog!

This blog is set up to keep everyone up to date on the happenings of Perry County, Indiana 4-H. If you want to keep up to date, you can follow us by email or become a follower through the Google Follower link.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

4-H enrollment is still open!

CHALLENGE!!!! How many new members can we get to join Perry County 4-H this year?
Have you enrolled your child yet? There are two simple ways to do it: Paper enrollment or online enrollment.

Read this page for all the information.

The sooner you enroll, the sooner you will receive 4-H manuals!

Remember, if you enroll (that includes filling out all proper paperwork and paying your fee) by February 1, 2012 you have the option to exhibit at the county fair!

How many of you will enroll during the holiday break?

4-H famillies: Let's all invite one new family to join Perry County 4-H! Let's share what all great things 4-H has to offer!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

4-H Newsletter

The December/January edition of the Perry County 4-H newsletter has been posted to our website. Hard copies will be mailed within the week.

To get a sneak peak, follow this link to the website. NOTE: It is not a PDF file, as I realize that many of you might have slow internet connections. Hopefully just posting the information in an easy to read website will help!

Happy reading!
-Renate Warner

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

4-H Families: Be sure to RSVP for 4-H Celebration!

4-H Families:
You are cordially invited
to attend the 2011
Perry County
4-H Celebration!

Sunday, November 13
4:00 p.m.
Perry County 4-H Fairgrounds

We will announce 4-H award winners
and honor all our 4-H club leaders.
Come for dinner and the celebration!
There is no charge. All 4-H Families are invited to attend.
Dress is casual, but remember we will be taking pictures for the newspaper.

Also, computers and a printer will be available that evening for families who wish
to enroll in 4-H online! (Online enrollment is an option for those in grades 3rd-12th only). Payment can also be made online (using a debit or credit card)
or you can pay using a check or cash!
For more information on enrollment, contact your leader or the Extension office.

Please RSVP by 3:30 Thursday, November 10 so we know how much food to order. Please RSVP by calling the Extension office at 812-547-7084.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Have you enrolled for 4-H yet?

It's that time of year! It's time to enroll in the exciting world of Perry County 4-H! All youth in grades kindergarten through 12th grade are invited!

How do you join 4-H?
Option 1: Youth may enroll online at:  https://www.four-h.purdue.edu/enroll (Youth who enroll in this manner are not required to complete a paper 4-H enrollment form.)

Option 2: Youth may complete a paper 4-H enrollment form. Contact the Extension office for a form or download these forms and turn them in to the Extension office:

Enrollment Form Explorers    (Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders)on 8 1/2 x 14 paper
Enrollment Form Regular 4-Hers (3rd-12th graders) NOTE: This prints 
Explorers and Regular 4-H members may register for 4-H online. Remember, one is not considered enrolled until payment is made. Explorers can't pay online; they must pay at the office.
Members can register online and pay online, or they may register online and pay at the office! Your choice!!!
Let's see how many members we can get to join 4-H this year!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

4-H Enrollment is now available!

It's an exciting time for Perry County 4-H! It's open enrollment time! Remember, members have until Feb. 1 to enroll if they'd like to exhibit at the Perry County 4-H Fair. 

4-H Enrollment OptionsYouth now have two ways to enroll in Perry County 4-H. 
Option 1: Youth may enroll online at:  https://www.four-h.purdue.edu/enroll (Youth who enroll in this manner are not required to complete a paper 4-H enrollment form.) Option 2: Youth may complete a paper 4-H enrollment form as in the past.

4-H Program Fee Members in grades 3-12 pay $15 State 4-H program fee each with a maximum payment of $45 per family household address. Perry County 4-H is also charging $5 per member with a cap of $15. No family will pay more than $60 total per household address.
K-2 members enroll for $5 each. If family has already paid $60 fee, the Explorer fee will be waived. Again, No family will pay more than $60 total per household address.
Payment options: credit card (online only), check or cash. Please make checks payable to Purdue CES Ed Fund-Perry County.

All youth must complete an enrollment form (online or paper) with permissions indicated and pay the State 4-H Program fee and county fee to be officially enrolled in 4-H.

4-H Membership / Completion RequirementsKindergarten through second grade youth may enroll in Exploring 4-H.
Third through twelfth grade youth may enroll in traditional 4-H. These youth will be enrolled by grade in those projects where grade designations are indicated. They will be enrolled by year in projects that do not have grade designations.

To be considered complete a member must complete at least one of the projects in which they enroll each year.

Please see the current Perry County 4-H Handbook for project exhibit requirements and general 4-H information. The past year’s 4-H Handbook is available on the web at www.ag.purdue.edu/perry/Pages/4-HYouthDevelopment.aspx. New 4-H Handbooks should be available in the late winter months.

4-H Project Manual / Supply PolicyThe initially needed project manuals are provided by the Perry County 4-H Council at no cost to the 4-H member (not all projects require a manual). However, if it is necessary to replace these materials due to loss or other circumstances the member will be charged $5 per manual. Manuals are distributed to club leaders after information has been processed in the Extension office. Some project supplies are cost items available from the Extension Office, i.e. poster board, poster sleeve, salon print bags, electric, and possibly others.

 Project Drop / Add Date: Members may drop or add 4-H projects until June 1.

4-H Mailings and CommunicationPostal mailings of 4-H information will be sent to the 4-H member’s home address listed on the enrollment form. Newsletters are sent every other month (February, April, June, August and October and December.) When possible communication may take place via e-mail for those members/families providing the e-mail information. Please keep your address, phone number and e-mail address current with our office. If you do not wish to receive information through e-mail, do not provide the e-mail address.

Enrollment Form Explorers    (Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders)
 Enrollment Form Regular 4-Hers (3rd-12th graders) NOTE: This prints on 8 1/2 x 14 paper.

No member will be denied membership. To be considered enrolled, a member must make sure payment has been made. If there are concerns with paying the fee, contact a 4-H club leader or Renate at the Extension office. No member will be denied membership. If there are concerns with paying the fee, contact a 4-H club leader or Renate at the Extension office.

As always, if there are any questions, feel free to contact the Extension office at 812-547-7084 or email Renate at renatewarner@purdue.edu.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Collegiate 4-H

If anyone knows of 4-H members who are attending UE, USI, Ivy Tech, Oakland City University or VU and are interested in joining Collegiate 4-H, Extension Educator Randy Brown invites them to attend their 1st meeting of the year: Thursday Oct 13, 7:30 CST at Ivy Tech (Evansville) Room 107, Entrance A. Or they may email him at: browngr@purdue.edu . Thanks and please pass on!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Award Applications Due

This Friday is the deadline! The 4-H Awards Applications and Citizenship Washington Focus trip application are available online. The link is: http://www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/perry/Pages/4-HYouthDevelopment.aspx . Both are due to the Extension office by 4:00 p.m. September 30. Please pass on to all of the members who were in 4-H last year (last year in grades 3rd-12th)!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

4-H awards are online

4-H members who last year were in grades 3rd-12th are eligible to apply for county awards! Click on this link: http://www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/perry/Pages/4-HYouthDevelopment.aspx and scroll down to Perry County 4-H Award Applications. They are due to our office by 4:00 p.m. Sept. 30. Read more about it as well as the Citizenship Washington Focus trip!!!

Feel free to contact me for help.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Please take a moment...

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the victims and victims' families of Saturday night's state fair tragedy. Please pray for those who were injured and the families of the victims.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Complete your 4-H project!

4-H members: Did you manage to complete all your 4-H projects or are there some you would still like to complete?

Or were you not able to complete any at all?

Fair is NOT the only time to complete your 4-H project, it is just one chance. You may complete any project using the handbook guidelines and either bring it to Renate or your club leader. Let your leader know you would like to complete the project, and the leader will contact the Extension office so we can mark you down for completion for the project.

And by the way, there is no penalty for NOT completing projects but if you would like to feel a great sense of accomplishment, Renate encourages completion of as many projects as the member feels comfortable with doing.

The deadline to complete for 2011 is August 31.

This policy applies to Explorers and regular age 4-H’ers.

Friday, July 1, 2011

4-H members in grades 3-12th, remember to bring your My Record of Achievement and the Perry Co. 4-H Survey (PDF version or Word) to project check in Sunday, July 10. Those two pieces of information plus $1 will get you a season fair pass! Leaders, your fair passes will be available there too.

Members, make sure you keep one  My Record of Achievement for your records as well!

Project check in will be here before you know it. Remember, if you don't complete a project in time for the fair, you can still complete after the fair! Contact Renate or your leader once you've completed your project so they can see it and mark it down as complete. This deadline is 4:00 p.m. August 31.

You are entitled to a fair premium and ribbons if you complete at the fair. Members and Explorers all receive money for exhibiting! Be sure to pick your money up Friday, July 15 after 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

FaceBook page

The Perry County 4-H Fair is on FaceBook! "Like" the fair!!!!!!!!!!

4-H Fair Website

Have you checked out the Perry County 4-H Fair website lately? We have the full fair schedule listed, the open show rules (remember, 4-H members, 4-H families, anyone even if they aren't in 4-H can exhibit in the open show!) pig wrestling rules, demo derby information, moto cross and so much more is listed! Check it out!

Perry County 4-H Fair Webpage

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Posterboard and plastic sleeves

4-Hers: Are you still working on your projects? If you are doing posters, we still have posterboard and plastic sleeves available for purchase at the Extension office. Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (We are staying open over lunch until fair time.) Today and July 6 our office will remain open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Hopefully everyone's projects are coming together! I can't wait to see everyone at the fair!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Double checking for additional items you need for your projects

4-H families, fair is so close! Are you checking the handbook to make sure you have everything you need to go with your 4-H projects?

Do you need a cake decorating skill sheet? Perhaps a consumer clothing record sheet? If you're in the foods project, don't forget about your food recipe cards! Find this and more on our Projects Help Website!

Hopefully your 4-H projects are all coming together! Be sure to contact our office with any questions.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Help needed for the Walk, Run & Roll for Independence

4-H families, I was contacted by SIRS about the Walk, Run & Roll for Independence 5 K taking place Saturday, July 2. They are in need of people to help hand out water and cheer on runners. It starts at 9 a.m. and helpers need to be there about 8:45 a.m. at Zoercher-Bettinger Park in Tell City. (The flyer says it will take place rain or shine.) Mary James is your SIRS contact.

Anyone can help, but it is suggested that anyone helping be either able to drive or have a parent/guardian with them that can drive them to the water locations. Also, if you have a 4-H t-shirt, please wear it. It’s good promotion of 4-H.

If you are interested in participating, please let me know by Tuesday evening (June 28) so I can let Mary James know how many 4-H members/parents to expect.


Projects are due!!!!!!!!!!


Creative Writing and Genealogy projects are due to the Extension office by 4:00 p.m. June 24. THAT'S THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!

4-H Public Speaking Contest
The Perry County Public Speaking Contest will be Thursday, June 30 at Oakwood, starting at 6:30. Preregistration is necessary and is due to the Extension office by 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays, June 28. Remember, you must qualify at the county level to move on to state, and a possible trip to Washington DC is on the line! See the this document for more information and for the preregistration form - Information

Please review the score card for the Speech Division and the Demonstration Division. Explorers are eligible to participate and are not judged.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What do you need to bring to fair?

Perry County 4-H members who just completed grades 3rd-12th: Remember to fill out and bring to the fair your My Record of Achievement and The Perry Co. 4-H Survey.

Remember to check your handbook to see if your project requires you to complete three projects out of the project manual. You will need to have your club leader sign the back (before the day of project check in!). You will need to bring the manual to the fair, show it to the volunteer checking in projects and you will need to take it home with you.

These and other tools are on our 4-H website!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

4-H Fair Schedule

The official Perry County 4-H Fair Schedule is online! Check it out!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

4-H Project Check In

Does your 4-H family know what to do to get their 4-H exhibits checked in the night of project check in? Check out "Harold" on the link and follow him as he checks in his 4-H projects. It's a Power Point so be sure to watch it as a show so you can see the animation (or open the PDF if you don't have Power Point.)

Click here to watch Harold!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Community Service Project

The Perry County Reclycing Management District would like to invite all 4-H Clubs to participate in the River Sweep Saturday, June 18 from 9 a.m. until noon. All volunteers will be provided lunch!

Contact the district office at (812) 547-9787 to let them know your club wishes to participate.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Indiana Beach Discount

There are benefits to being a 4-H member! They are too numerous to mention here, but I will mention just one ....complimentary admission to Indiana Beach in Monticello, Indiana!!!

Perry County, Indiana 4-H families can email me (Renate Jobst) at rjobst@purdue.edu for information on how to obtain these passes! Remember when you email me to mention the name of your child who is in 4-H in Perry County. 4-H leaders and those who are members of advisory groups (4-H Fairgrounds, 4-H Council, Livestock and Extension Board) may use these for their families, as well!

If you have a 4-H member in another Indiana County, contact your 4-H Youth Extension Educator for information on obtaining these passes.

These passes are good until Labor Day 2011.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

-Purdue Extension-Perry County Staff

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fair Schedule

The latest fair schedule has been added to the 4-H Fair website!

Also, if you are on FaceBook, be sure to join the Perry County 4-H Facebook page as well as the 4-H Fair Facebook page! Be sure to share this with your friends!

Also, click on this page to find additional resources to help you get ready for the 4-H Fair! It's the 4-H Projects Help Page! New are two helps for poultry: Poultry Showmanship Help and a link to purchase a poultry showmanship guide. Poultry showmanship is new this year so we are hoping many will enter this exciting new project at the fair.

Forward this blog to your friends so they can stay up to date on all the happenings of Perry County 4-H! Remember, you can sign up for blog updates via email! See the link to the left.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

4-H Camp applications still being accepted

Have you signed up for 4-H Camp yet? There's still time! Perry, Spencer, Dubois and Daviess County 4-H members in grades 3rd-8th can sign up! Follow this link for an application. Perry County 4-H members, the cost is $75. Other counties can contact their Extension office for more information.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

4-H Lending Library

Perry County 4-H Members:

The 4-H Council has purchased additional resources to help you with your 4-H project. These are available on a loan basis. It is requested that only one book/manual be checked out at a time and that it is returned within 2 weeks. A card will need to be filled out so we know who has the book/manual. These are not like the manuals that are already provided; these are new resources.
The Lending Library includes:
  • Cross stich and needle point patterns
  • 4-H Guidelines to Raising Chickens
  • 4-H Guidelines to Digital Photography
  • 4-H Guidelines to Dog Training and Tricks
  • Official Guide to Raising Better Rabbits & Cavies
  • Standard of Perfection Standard Bred Rabbits & Cavies
  • Rabbit Resource Handbook
This is just the beginning! We plan on adding more.
Thank you to the 4-H Council and Steve Steen for their donations!
Contact the Perry County Extension office to borrow these materials.
812-547-7084 or rjobst@purdue.edu

Monday, May 9, 2011

4-H Project Helps Page Offers Great Resources

4-H members, do you need an extra boost on some of the projects you are taking? Visit our 4-H Projects Help Page. It has great resources on several projects, including Scrapbooking, Rabbit Ambassador, and several others. The Cake Decorating Skills Sheet and Food Recipe Cards are also located on this page.

Check it out!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Public Speaking Contest Nearing

Recently, each Perry County 4-H Family was sent a mailing about the Public Speaking Contest. Consider signing up!

The Perry County Public Speaking Contest will be Thursday, June 30 at Oakwood, starting at 6:30. Preregistration is necessary. See above document for more information.
Please review the score card for the Speech Division and the Demonstration Division. Explorers are eligible to participate and are not judged.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4-H Camp Sign up....discount offered!

Has your child signed up for 4-H Camp yet?

It will be June 13-15 at the campgrounds in Santa Claus. If your child signs up by 4:00 p.m. May 16, he/she will receive $25 off! So it will only cost $50 per child.

It requires this application to be completed. Contact Renate with any questions.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4-H newsletter

Are you receiving the 4-H newsletter? It is FULL of information!

It comes bimonthly. The latest edition came out the first part of April, so the next newsletter will come out the first part of June. June's newsletter will be extremely important as it will be full of information to help you at the 4-H fair.

If you haven't received a newsletter, call our office. We send out both email newsletters and send them out through the mail.

IT'S VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ YOUR NEWSLETTER!!!! It has information that will help you with your projects!

The 4-H newsletters are located on our 4-H website. It is near the bottom of the page directly under 4-H newsletters. You can go directly to our latest 4-H newsletter by clicking here.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fairs Around the State

Are you excited about fair season? Why not travel around to other counties and check out their fairs?

In 2009, one of our 4-H members got the idea for the Perry County 4-H Sports project by seeing it as an exhibit opportunity at another county fair. And guess what? The project was added to the county only projects! You can also see many neat ideas of how other members exhibit projects and prepare them, not to mention every fair is a little different! Experience all 4-H has to offer...including in other counties!

You can see a schedule of every fair in the state by going to our Perry County 4-H website. Scroll down to Indiana State Fair and County Fairs Around the State. There is a PDF file with all the dates.

Are you excited about fair season yet? I know I am!

4-H Camp now discounted at $50 for limited time!

Members in grades 3rd-8th can attend 4-H Camp at a discounted price! If they register by 4:00 p.m. Monday, May 16 they will only pay $50! The 4-H Council is paying the rest of the fee.

Also, there are scholarships available. Contact Renate for information on scholarships. 

The applications are located by clicking on this link. Register today and take advantage of this special deal!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Indiana State Fair Information is Online

Want to know more about the Indiana State Fair? It's the Year of the Soybeans!

Information on the state fair is located on their website. Go to our Perry County 4-H Website and scroll down to Indiana State Fair and County Fairs Around the State.

By the way, I hope you have it marked on your calendar. It is August 5-21! Yes, state fair is 3 weeks again this year!

If you are in Perry County 4-H and are in grades 3-12, check your Perry County 4-H Handbook to see if your project has a state fair exhibit opportunity. If it is selected for state fair, you will know because during fair it will have a neat blue sticker on it that says it was chosen for state fair!

In the week following the county fair a letter will be sent to all who are eligible for state fair. It will outline how to package your exhibit and when to drop it off. Renate and other staff/club volunteers will take your projects to the state fair and will return them. Also, watch this letter for the date you are to pick your project up after the state fair ends!

Fair will be here before you know it! Are you getting ready yet?!?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The 4-H Family Guide has information you might want to review.

Click here to download and read. This is especially valuable to new 4-H families, but anyone can review it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Project supplies

Did you know that the Extension Office has standard size poster foam board for sale at $2.50, plastic covering for $1.00 and electric supplies are also available?

Share the Fun

The 4-H Share the Fun, scheduled for Friday, April 15 will be here before you know it! It will start at 6:30 p.m. at Oakwood Nursing Home in Tell City. Registration starts at 6:15 p.m.

Are you participating? I hope so! It is a great experience and will help participants feel more comfortable performing and speaking in front of groups.

The Registration form, score card and other information is available by clicking here.

Participants and families need to enter Oakwood on the side closest to the county courthouse. Performance will be in the larger dining hall, which is right through the entry door closest to the courthouse.

This will be our first experience doing Share the Fun at a nursing home. This is also Oakwood's family night, so the residents have invited their families to come and watch the competition! How exciting!

We hope all 4-H families will come and enjoy the evening with us!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Answer the President's Challenge

As part of 4-H’s involvement with the Let’s Move campaign, 4-H National Headquarters has started a group to take the President's Challenge together - and you and you’re family are invited to be part of it! The President's Challenge is for one million Americans to complete the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA).  4-H is answering this call by setting a goal to have 100,000 4-H members and their families complete their PALA.  The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award recognizes those individuals who log their recommended physical activity for six weeks, five days a week (60 minutes for youth, 30 minutes minimum for adults).

Signing up for the 4-H group is simple. All you have to do is register. It's quick, and there's no cost to participate!

HOW TO JOIN: 1) Go to www.presidentschallenge.org/ and click on PALA Challenge      2) Fill out the registration form.     3) When you arrive at your personal dashboard page, click on the groups tab and join the 4-H group.  Your Group ID Number: 96548 Your Group Name: National 4-H Program 4) After registering, start logging your activities. As you log activities you'll be able to track your progress toward winning a President's Challenge Award or Medal.

This goes hand in hand with our Perry County Health 4 Ever Challenge! Has your club taken part in challenge? Here’s a challenge ….. each person in attendance at each meeting walks a minimum of ½ mile to a mile. These minutes can go towards the President’s Challenge! For more information on Perry County’s Health 4 Ever Challenge, talk to your club leader or Renate.
Physical activity is important! Take it from me (Renate)!  What a difference an active lifestyle has made in my life. I feel better after I exercise, even if it’s a short walk. I eat less, feel great and I’ve lost weight!  Let’s stay fit, stay active and keep focused on our fourth “H”...health!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Summer internship position available

We are looking for 4-H members, 16 and older, or a former 4-H’er college student to serve as a part time intern at the Extension office this summer.

Interns will assist with the 4-H program and will learn valuable work skills.

The intern will receive training, will be given meaningful assignments and will be evaluated.

It should be noted that behavioral expectations and a dress code will be enforced.

While this position will be unpaid, in today’s competitive labor market undergoing such an experience is a great resume builder and a significant way to attract future potential employers to hire you.

If interested, mail your one-page resume and one-page cover letter to Renate. Feel free to contact her with any questions.

Her email is rjobst@purdue.edu or you can call her at 547-7084. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Area Showmanship Clinic Offered

Our own Margie Zoglmann will be traveling to Dubois County to teach the area showmanship clinic. Come out and learn from her!

The workshop will be April 9, at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds, 4157 South State Road 162 Huntingburg, (On Highway 162 South– 6 miles South of Jasper).

Registration starts at 11:45 a.m. (Perry County time) and lasts until the workshop starts at noon or directly following the conclusion of the Dubois Co. Livestock Judging Invitational.

Topics to be Covered: Preparing for the Showring; Tips on Exhibiting Beef Cattle, Swine, Sheep and Meat Goats; Basic Livestock Nutrition. The cost for this is free.

This clinic will help you show at the fair!

Also, consider coming to the Dubois County Livestock Judging Invitational!  It’s at the same location and registration is 7:00 a.m.– 7:45 a.m. The cost is $5 per participant and lunch is a minimal charge.